Week 1 - 4
Week 1 - 4
Week 1
We are focusing on download the programming tools, includes Python, Java, and eclipse. For Python, I have learned some simple codes in semester A but it is coming more complex in Semester B. Inserted the Pydev in eclipse which made it easier to do programming as it can import and export directly. In the eclipse environment, we can install different codes and tools through a variety of platforms. And, we can use it conveniently without installing numerous tools individually. (import Tkinter as tk)
Week 2
As I am using the mac machine, there are lots of troubles happen, I need to be careful of the version which I am using when downloading the tools and mind the difference between the window and macOS, for example the file export and the codes. Studying about class and using the shell of Python. we compared different platforms when doing programming. (shape, Taichi, _init_, tester, main( ) function, config, quadratic.py)
Week 3
There are a bit troublesome of using the mac machine to do programming so I repeat and do revision on the previous lessons. Start doing the assignment. There is some hidden detail need to know when working on eclipse. When doing the grade.py, I need to put everything (student.py) data on the top of the menu to make it run. Installed matplotlib and working on the cgilogon module, start learning about the HTML. (OOP, circle.py, functional programming and programming paradigm)
Week 4
Working on the cgilogon and personal website. At the beginning, i am using the blogger which is an other blog writting platform for writting my simple blog. Installed the XAMPP which it can be a personal server. (CGI logon script and HTML) Start doing the personal PDP. (Personal Development Profile) Knowing github where we can find codes sources and examples to learn programming. From the lecture, learning about how to build a documentation though using pydoc which is from python lib. (need to find it in hidden file) (sblogon, sbsearch to XAMPP)